Command line tool errors - seems like an issue geotagging from gpx file

Hi, I’m having problems with the command line tools (Win x64, x0.7.4), errors below. Can anyone advise what I should check? I’ve been using the same code for many months without any isues until now. Seems like it can’t read the GPX files?

C:\XXX>SET /P input=Enter folder to process: 1>Mapillary_nu.txt

C:\XXX>…..\mapillary_tools.exe sample_video --video_import_path 20210517n_fc --advanced 1>>Mapillary_nu.txt
Extracting video frames: 0%| | 0/16 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Extracting video frames: 0%| | 0/16 [00:58<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 4, in
File “”, line 93, in main
File “mapillary_tools\commands\”, line 50, in run
File “mapillary_tools\”, line 106, in sample_video
File “mapillary_tools\”, line 156, in extract_frames
File “mapillary_tools\”, line 189, in insert_video_frame_timestamp
File “mapillary_tools\”, line 36, in timestamps_from_filename
File “tqdm\”, line 1107, in init
File “tqdm\”, line 1344, in refresh
File “tqdm\”, line 1494, in display
File “tqdm\”, line 1441, in moveto
File “tqdm\”, line 142, in inner
OSError: [WinError 87] The parameter is incorrect
[18076] Failed to execute script main
Exception ignored in: <bound method tqdm.del of <tqdm.std.tqdm object at 0x000001F086DD5CF8>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “tqdm\”, line 1145, in del
File “tqdm\”, line 1274, in close
AttributeError: ‘tqdm’ object has no attribute ‘last_print_t’

C:\XXX>CD 20210517n_fc\mapillary_sampled_video_frames\ 1>>Mapillary_nu.txt

C:\XXX\20210517n_fc\mapillary_sampled_video_frames>FOR / %I in (.) DO (
echo Processing folder %I
…......\mapillary_tools.exe process --advanced --import_path “%I” --user_name “xxx” --geotag_source “gpx” --geotag_source_path “…%I.gpx” --use_gps_start_time --offset_time 0 --rerun --overwrite_all_EXIF_tags
) 1>>Mapillary_nu.txt

echo Processing folder GRMN0539
…......\mapillary_tools.exe process --advanced --import_path “GRMN0539” --user_name “xxx” --geotag_source “gpx” --geotag_source_path “…\GRMN0539.gpx” --use_gps_start_time --offset_time 0 --rerun --overwrite_all_EXIF_tags
) 1>>Mapillary_nu.txt
Logging: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 30/30 [00:01<00:00, 28.41it/s]
Processing image import properties: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 30/30 [00:00<00:00, 94.78it/s]
Inserting gps data into image EXIF: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 30/30 [00:00<00:00, 31.96it/s]
Loading geotag points: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 30/30 [00:00<00:00, 299.10it/s]
Processing image upload parameters: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 30/30 [00:01<00:00, 17.27it/s]
Inserting mapillary image description in image EXIF: 0%| | 0/30 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000001.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000002.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000003.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000004.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000005.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000006.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000007.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000008.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000009.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000010.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000011.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000012.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000013.jpg
NoneType: None
Inserting mapillary image description in image EXIF: 43%|████████████▏ | 13/30 [00:00<00:00, 129.69it/s]Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000014.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000015.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000016.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000017.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000018.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000019.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000020.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000021.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000022.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000023.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000024.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000025.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000026.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000027.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000028.jpg
NoneType: None
Inserting mapillary image description in image EXIF: 93%|██████████████████████████▏ | 28/30 [00:00<00:00, 141.42it/s]Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000029.jpg
NoneType: None
Warning, required geotag_process failed for image GRMN0539\GRMN0539_000030.jpg
NoneType: None
Inserting mapillary image description in image EXIF: 100%|████████████████████████████| 30/30 [00:00<00:00, 138.82it/s]

C:\XXX\20210517n_fc\mapillary_sampled_video_frames>cd ….. 1>>Mapillary_nu.txt

Here’s the begginning of the first GPX file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>









The result I get is that it processes the first video in the folder only when it should do them all. The jpg files produced look OK but aren’t geotagged and are missing the usual Mapillary tags.

Not sure what happened to GPX above, here it is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<gpx version="1.0"
 creator="ExifTool 11.67"
<trkpt lat="55.7916008401662" lon="-4.32810408063233">
<trkpt lat="55.7916792947799" lon="-4.32811874896288">
<trkpt lat="55.7917580846697" lon="-4.32813375256956">
<trkpt lat="55.7918377127498" lon="-4.32815420441329">
<trkpt lat="55.7919118087739" lon="-4.32818429544568">