YI 360 VR camera REVIEW

Just walked the dog (and I couldn’t resist… :wink: )

First: for the image setting: it has a timer, NOT an interval setting! (a small minus…)

But it can take a video in interval modus. So when I walked the dog I dit a first test at 4K.

With this command to get the separate images (source):
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vsync vfr -qscale:v 1 RFile_%3d.jpg

Next I need to get working on my “geo tag assistant” to correctly match my gpx track to the images…

But I’ll post an image here:

This image is “only” 7.3MP

Compare it to the image I took (also in an evening) with the LG360 (16MP!)

(yes the fence is gone now :P)

First impression:
Even though the resolution is half, I’m faling in love with this camera, because (compared to the LG360):

  • the stitching is much, much better
  • the colors ar much much fresher
  • dynamic range seems better