Feature request: Time Travel flag

Time Travel is great. When it works.
Not sure on how you pick images for time travel, but I have at least 4 pairs (and one spot where I’ve had 5 photos over multiple years) that would look great in time travel, but are not presented the option.
I am lucky if I sometimes get a directional arrow, and that works almost as well.
Would it be possible to add a feature to manually tag photo pairs for Time Travel, suggesting another look to the algo?

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When I look at Time Travel on the web browser, the timeline at the bottom is not shown by date, and in fact the images with a matching viewpoint are not even sorted by date. Is that intentional?

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To use time travel, images need to be in the same location and also point in the same direction.
Thanks for the feedback, we’ll look into sorting the images in the time travel popup.