Ci sono le foto ma non la traccia

Ho caricato da PC una serie di foto fatte con Mapillary.
Me le ha caricate, si vedono, ma… non son collegate fra di loro.
Insomma manca la traccia verde classica.
L’uploader via web browser non importa anche il file gpx presente nella dir della sequenza??

Dear Canfe,

Google transltes this as
“I uploaded a series of photos made with Mapillary from a PC.
He has loaded them, they are seen, but … they are not connected to each other.
In short, the classic green track is missing.
Does not the web browser uploader also import the gpx file present in the sequence dir?”

May I suggest that, unless you only want replies from people who understand Italian, it could be helpful if you fed the question to some translation site, and posted in English, which saves each reader the effort, and might well result in more replies?

With best regards,

By the way, filtered on your user name, find dots are connected between photos in Ciriè area? But perhaps I overlooked something - lost in translation?

[RISOLTO] Semplicemente alle volte ci vuole un po’ di tempo, ma alla fine poi compaiono.

[SOLVED] It simply takes some time sometimes, but in the end they appear.